Home » EMSL Training Accreditations
EMSL Training Accreditations
EMSL Training Accreditations
EMSL Analytical, Inc. labs have a wide range of training programs. These training accreditations ensure that our training classes meet the highest standard of quality and can deliver reliable, consistent results every time.
Course Titles
Accreditation #
Florida |
Mold Related |
IAQ/IH Sampling |
#0000065 |
New Jersey |
IAQ/IH Sampling |
N/A |
Approved Provider |
24GP000005000 |
New York |
Home Inspection |
IAQ/IH Sampling |
L-0884 |
Home Inspection |
Advanced Fungal & Data Interpretation |
L-0883 |
Home Inspection |
Hands-On Sampling and Investigative Equipment |
L-09774 |
Connecticut |
Home Inspection |
Hands-On Sampling and Investigative Equipment |
N/A |
Please contact Jennifer Mazonas at jmazonas@EMSL.com or (843) 737-6955 for assistance.